Sunday, December 15, 2013

Networking isn't working? Maybe it's...

Why do you network? Do you ask yourself that before you head out the door every time? You should. Because we need to remind ourselves why we are going. Now, answer the question. Why do you network? To make more money. To meet more people so they will know my company. To get more business. To help other companies by letting them know what I do that can help them.

What is your answer?

The answer that most people should be saying is... to get an appointment. That is all. In everything you do when you walk into the networking event your goal should be to get an appointment. It's not to sell, not to give them your business card or even collect theirs. It's not to tell them all about your company or yourself. It's not to make friends. It's not to do anything except find out how your company might help them and be interesting enough, sincere enough and likable enough to them so that they allow you to make a phone call to set an appointment.

Now that you understand this every time you walk into a networking event you should remind yourself that your whole goal for this event is to 'get an appointment'.

The next question is, how many people then, based upon this premise, do you want to meet at any event you attend?  Go ahead. Answer it now and tell yourself why? Because here come the answer.
Two or three.

What? yes, that is all! When you meet your three STOP networking. Now it's ok to drink or eat and be entertaining and fun or... just go home. Why? Steve, what if I can make five or six appointments?

Here is my question for you. How much time do you have to commit to calling, setting and then attending each appointment? Because, if you are even half way successful you should only have time for two or three based upon a five minute phone call to set an appointment, driving to and from and connecting with the appointment plus, you should do some background investigation so you will be knowledgeable about your contact when you meet them.

So how long will that take? At least a couple hours for each. That would be one entire day of work out of your week.

So now, what you really need is to learn the five questions you need to ask in order to insure that you will get that appointment when you call.

Want to learn those FIVE QUESTIONS? Want to know how to have a business card that really works?Want someone to teach you a one minute speech will make you memorable, top of mind and get you referrals? Then you need to attend one of my day long seminars in order to learn all of that and more. or write to me,

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

1 Tip to be remembered while professionally networking! Giving your ten minute presentation...

Have you ever been invited to give a short presentation to your Networking Group? I think if you are professionally networking we all have either given a ten or twenty minute presentation or are soon going to!

If you already have, how did you present? Standing in front? Using power point? Using a company video? Off the cuff? Notes? Lectern?

And when you were finished I am sure you got many accolades or even asked, 'how did I do?' and my next question is.. what did you think they were going to say to you after you spoke? Did you think someone might say, you sucked! or maybe much kinder, I found it kind of boring. But because we are not truly wanting honest feedback we allow the few that will comment to us to say, nice presentation! Why thank ya, thank ya very much, as Elvis would have said.

Now let's get to the honest part.... unless you are truly a professional speaker that ten minute presentation was probably just ok. Because here is the real honest question I have for you.

What did you do to REACH your audience? Think about it. Answer honestly. And, here is what you are probably asking right now... Steve, what do you mean by reach my audience?

Do you understand that as a professional speaker I have been trained to understand that I can lose an audience in as little as 15 seconds? That I know I will lose them at least within one minute and that if I talk for ten minutes there had better be  ten positive modifiers that I require from my audience to indicate that most of them are still with me?

If I do a 45 minute keynote address, at least every minute I had better hear a laugh, require a nod of agreement or hear a disgruntled sigh of disatisfaction!  Once every minute! Now think back, how many of those did you hear every minute you spoke?

So from now on, here is one tip that will make you stand out from everyone else presenting. Here is one tip that will make you memorable. Here is one tip that will gain you clients, loyalty and keep you top-of-mind for your fellow networkers.

Don't tell them about your company ever again.

I know! What? But that's why they asked me to speak! Nooooooo! It isn't. You are part of a networking group and EVERYONE is invited to speak because that is what is expected of everyone. That we all will gain the chance to tell about our business to win friends and influence people, to gain clients and explain our business so all of my fellow networkers can refer business to me! No. No no no!

This is your chance to do all of that but NOT by telling about you, your company or your business.

You should do it by offering some type of learning experience. Do it by offering knowledge. Do it by asking questions and giving answers that your audience wants and needs to hear.

If you are selling insurance, I don't want you to tell me all about your company, how many millions in assets you have? I don't care how many states you sell in! I don't care!

What I do care about is, what and how and when can you, yes you! do for me. Ask me personal questions as a group. I know most of you have insurance for your (home). How many of you know, really know how much of your home is covered? Is it insured so that if there is a fire you can rebuild? Can you live in a hotel until you can move back in? What kind of hotel? A fleabagger? One room for a family of 8? How about contents? Who can tell me the exact amount of your coverage for XYZ.

You see what I mean? Get people THINKING! Make them ask themselves the tough questions. 

If you are selling network marketing- make up - health care- coffee - whatever... do I care if you are now doing business in Canada? Or Egypt? All I want to know is, what can you do for me NOW?

Are you a banker? Give me a couple great stories about Bob and his wife Alyce! Tell me how you saved Edie $300 a month because she had been dealing with the wrong institution and that you can probably help me if you ask the right questions for your audience to answer!

Did you know that if you get arrested for XYZ that I (if I were an attorney) can help you out by doing such and such? 

Do you know someone who is...
Do you have ....
Is this you or someone you know that ....

If you have to give a presentation, wouldn't you like to know that it was the best damn speech of your life? That you not only reached everyone in the room but everyone WILL REMEMBER who you are, what you said and you will be top of mind whenever they meet someone they could refer you to?

In your next business presentation, know your purpose. In your next Professional Networking presentation ask questions, give answers, expect questions from your audience and know how to SHUT THEM UP so they don't take up all of your time! Know how to ask the right questions at the right time so everyone wants to hear the end of your stories, so everyone is listening and involved, so everyone will say, 'wow, I had no idea you could do XYZ'.
So the TIP was... in case you missed it because you were thinking of all of the questions you need to ask next time you speak is... Ask questions that make your audience think.

I am Steve Sapato your Professional Networking guru and I help you become more productive by training you how to set up a contact so they WANT and invite your phone call to set up that very important consultation about how you can make a difference in their business.    563-370-4938

Call for your trainings today. And yes, I do train larger groups on Professional Networking and Management skills so they can all set new records.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

You can achieve your goals.

What do you need to do to achieve your goals? What do you need to learn? Where will you find all the help you need? Find yourself a great coach and let us help you put your dreams into your life and achieve them.
Isn't it time you got all you deserve?


Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Professional Networking 101 - How to get new clients

Here is the question… why do you go to networking events?

Can you answer that? Most people think they can but many have no real clue. Some will say to get new leads, or to get people business cards, or to connect with the right people. While all of those are true what is the REAL reason you go? It’s very selfish when you say it out loud but this is the only reason you should ever go out networking, to get a new client, to get new business, to make more money…

Think about it. Isn't that the real reason you take time out of your busy schedule to go to a networking event? Well if you just said no then it should be.

Yeah yeah.. I want to help people too. But if all we dd was help people we would be broke and not able to help anyone anyway.

So now once again, if we have now narrowed our focus to 1) getting a new client or 2) getting new business or 3) making more money , then how does networking really help us out?

Networking is the first step to making a great personal connection. I have met many people who think networking is about how many people you can meet.

I recently attended a networking event where they held the event at a nightclub. Nothing roped off, nothing private about it. At the door if you said you were a networker they charged you $20 and let you go make you own name tag. And then you had to find the other people who were wearing nametags vs the people who were not. And yes, many of the women don’t wear their name tags because it interferes with their sense of style. So you could walk up to almost anyone, introduce yourself and if you didn't get slapped or visually berated from a table of women who were not networking then you might have made a first connection except for one thing, the sound system. Yes, the music was very loud, the cacophony of conversation noise added in and … wait for it… the live band then began playing.

Needless to say, I left quite early and the next day I spoke to another attendee who said they thought it was a great event and they had met more than fifteen people that night.

Now let us return to the reason we went to the event.  And I did not ask because my input was not requested but I was very curious to know how many appointments my networking friend had established, how many phone calls had they agreed would be received and by whom?

By that I mean when we go networking for the purpose of meeting someone, it is to ascertain if what my services are could be valued enough by the person I have met to allow them to part with some of their hard earned money in order for me to help them grow or improve their business in some manner. To be of value to them. Does that seem to make sense?

And in my trainings I teach people how and what questions to ask to start a great conversation to find all of this out. When was the last time you heard question #2… I mean you always hear, ‘so, what do you do?’ but the next question sets up the 3rd and fourth… it is…  ’and, how is your business?’

How many of you are asking that key question? Now for what you will find out about their business, but 1) what you will find out about how they think their business is and 2) you will start to get a feeling of their pain issues about their business. (but that is all part of the Professional Networking Workshop).

and those four questions will help you (yes I am big on numbering)  a) establish your concern and interest  b) place yourself (if applicable) into a place where you can begin to ease their pain  3) establish yourself as their helper so you can make them feel like they need and want to talk to you.

NOW we have gotten somewhere! because the purpose of your networking is to GET AN APPOINTMENT so you can sit down and spend some quality time to find out if the two of you want or need to do business together. And the appointment is what networking is really all about.

I am Steve Sapato from and I am your networking expert.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Who do you go to for help?

You are your worst enemy~

So many times as I work with people, be they managers going through a difficult transition or with people going through difficult times, I find that one of the first things that falls apart is their real belief in themselves.
Oh it’s easy to say, no, I believe in me, I believe I can do this or get through this or overcome this. But the reality is we all have doubt! And that doubt clouds our ability to truly enhance our situation. The reason we have layers of managers in corporations used to be so that when you were stuck you could go to other managers who had more experience and they could help you. 
But when we are individuals who run into the roadblock or down time we find ourselves struggling so deeply no matter what we say to ourselves and only a few really intuitive people can find their own way without help. The rest of us need to have someone we can share and bounce things off of. We need someone who we can trust, wants the best for us, and we can open ourselves and our problems to them. Once upon a time I believed it was supposed to be your boss or manager but I found that they don’t necessarily want you to succeed or know how to help you. I have found they probably won’t keep your secret or your problem secret. Then I thought it was supposed to be your life partner or spouse and I found that they could use that against you later and might not keep your challenge between the two of you.
What I know now is that is why people pay me $300 a month to be their coach. I have the experience to help them but can never come back to hurt them on a personal or professional level because that is the agreement we have, the honor of our system and the trust that we develop.
When you are struggling to find your path, when you have run into that place where you doubt yourself and you need to unburden or receive advice that is when you need to have that confidant, that person you can bounce things off of. They will help you find your solution whether they give you advice or whether they simply ask the right question so you can find your own answer.
And when that happens you suddenly understand what you need to do, should have been doing or need to find additional people to help you accomplish it. And then your confidence and self belief comes flooding back into you because, there is the person you always believed in right in your mirror.
I encourage you to find your true self and allow someone else to help you stay and often become that person you knew you could be.  - Steve Sapato

Helping you to achieve the results you truly want.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Balcony vs Basement people

There are different kinds of people in our world. Today I will talk about the difference between balcony people and basement people.

Balcony people are people who lift you up, encourage you and make you feel good. Basement people are the ones who will say things to bring you down, keep you in your place, make you doubt yourself and stop you from doing things you want to do .

Watch this video for a brief explanation.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Is your Networking working?

Would you like people to ask for your business card? Do you know how to make that happen? If you don't then maybe you should attend a Professional Networking Seminar from me! Do you know what makes a business card great? Do you know how to make yourself memorable at any Networking event?
Have you ever used this tactic? Someone asks for your card, you start to hand it to them and you suddenly pull it back, hold it next to your temple, look them directly in the eye and say.. this card is very valuable to the right person. I don't just give them out to anybody... are you that right person? When they say YES! you say, 'if I give you this card one of two things are going to happen. 1) you will call me within the next two days. (because if they don't contact you within 2 business days they will forget all about you) or 2) "I will call you if you forget. Are you going to forget to call me?" And when they say no! Hand them your card, grasp their hand with your opposite hand and again say, 'I'm serious. To the right person this card will ... (and tell them what you can do for them, make you more money, improve your business, increase your results on marketing, etc.) and now you have either a person calling you or you told them they should expect a call from you.
Tell me, will that make me memorable to you?
Tips from Steve at and training on professional Networking available to you. Our next training is in September in Tampa. TWO FULL DAYS!  only $497
have an amazing next event.

Monday, August 19, 2013

YOU'RE FAT! You are not good enough! You are broke!

YOU'RE FAT! You are not good enough! You are broke!

All of us have heard these things. ALL of us. I was talking with a beauty queen recently. I mean staggeringly beautiful and afraid, insecure and mean. And she had no clue. But how she treated others showed her lack of internal respect.

I have to say that when I see all of the ads for people to lose weight they all have one thing in common, they are not just thin people they are FIT people. And to go from FAT to FIT is a mental process. It is something within them that turns them from eating machines into workout machines. It is something in them that suddenly for some of them, they hit that wall and they MUST become someone different. And when you see them lean and muscular they didn't just take that weight loss powder and sprinkle it over their food, they ACTED upon their desires. They made something happen within themselves.

That is all about MENTAL PROSPERITY. That is all about changing the process of thought in your head to make it all work for you.

One thing I love about training people in Mental Prosperity is the duo-ness of my audience. Half of them will get what I am sharing and half will just look at me and probably are thinking.. oh, not this again. I can think it and it will happen! I am who I am and that's who I am.

But the other half... oh how wonderful it is to see the lights go on in their minds. They are struggling to awaken from a place that they have been for years and sometimes decades. They start to understand how the 'sticks and stones' sayings of the past are so hurtful, how they stay with you and how we can overcome all of that if first we will see it, learn from it and then.... put it away. And every time it starts to pop back up they now know how to look at it for what it is and... put it away. And it stops eating at them, stops hurting them and that they are free to become all that they want to be.

Mental Prosperity is all about becoming you. It is all about growth and knowledge. Understanding and facing that past. All about looking in the mirror and loving who you see.

And when I counsel people on relationships or talk in my relationship seminars I talk about how being happy with who you see in the mirror is the key to finding lasting love.

Mental Prosperity isn't the only thing you will ever need to be happy but it is the key to opening all the other doors.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

What is the point of Networking?

People are making me nuts! I work around them, train around them and watch... and I keep asking.. what is the point? I am involved in several networking groups, many social groups for businesses and professionals and whenever there is a networking event I keep looking at the people 'working the room' and just want to cry out, WHY ARE YOU HERE?
So now I will ask you. Do you belong to a networking group? How many members in that group? Do you know them? Are you loyal to them? Have you personally used their services or sat down in a one-to-one with them so you at least get to know them?
And if you are with a networking group and loyal to them why do you go to that networking group?
When I ask that of most members, the first thought is to 'get more business'. 
Holy Cow Batman! KERPOW!!!
No. That should not be the reason you are going. Your reason for going should be to learn from other members. What works for them and what doesn't. What makes them successful or why are they not? Your personal growth should be why you network.
Have you ever heard of Zig Ziglar? And his saying was, if you will first help enough other people get what they want you will get what you want, or something to that affect.
So you should be going to learn about them so you can become one of their supporters and help them promote their business. If you will do that and everyone is doing the same you will have eighteen to forty unpaid professional sales people working on your behalf from now on. Would that make you happy?
Now let's get back to when you go to a networking event, cocktail party, meet up, seminar... what is your purpose in attending?
I ask this because it seems to me that most of the people I meet are there to give out their business card. If you are networking correctly you should only be able to meet and learn from six to eight people in a two hour event. If you are coming home with fifteen to thirty business cards or gave out more then fifteen then you did it wrong.
The purpose of networking is to locate and learn about two to four solid contacts that you will reconnect with after the event. 
What? No! YES!!!
What if at each social event you attended you gained TWO rock solid prospects. What if you connected with four and only two of them become your clients? How many events are you attending? Two each month? Four? 
Now imagine that you attend two each month, make four very good connections and could close, in some fashion, half of those. That means you would be adding four new customers, clients, something every month. Now I don't know about you but if I would go back to anybody's boss and say, 'hey boss, I closed 48 brand new clients this year' in addition to the clients that were already using our product/service and that is in addition to your usual contacting, calling or selling that you do every day. I can imagine your boss would be pretty happy.
I won't even go into what you should be asking, how you should connect, how you get them to tell you all your need to know in the first two minutes so you don't get tied down in a "conversation" and how you make sure they want to hear form you as soon as possible and might actually call you first.
So the next time you go out 'networking' remember WHAT IS THE POINT of you being there.
I'm Steve Sapato Professional Networking and Business Coach at

Monday, August 5, 2013

Forget what they told you to be

When I speak on Mental Prosperity many of the things I share are all about becoming the person you want to be. It then must encompass overcoming the person you are and all of the self talk you have placed inside of you and all of the talk you have heard over those years that push you into the place you find yourself in today.
It's all about reprogramming the you into the you that you want to be.
With this in mind I love this saying....

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Do you want to live every day with excitement?

I was walking along the beach today and suddenly I was actually paying attention… and I realized that with each new wave there was a new beach. If you had walked along that beach one minute before me you would have seen different sand, different water and different items washed up on that beach. I suddenly stood there staring for what seemed like a long time just watching each new wave come rushing in. Watching each item that was there before disappear back into the sea and yet… if the wave moved far enough up onto the beach it left some permanence…  it left items on the beach and took items from the beach.
I thought about this and realized that we are like the ocean. Only we choose what we are. Or rather many of us don’t choose.
Each and every day we get to choose what we are going to do, sweep away and write clean sand or leave cluttered debris along the top of our beach.
I know that can sound rather clichéd but most of us leave all of our junk sitting at the top of our minds, getting in the way, holding us in place, and reminding us of all of the stuff we should not be thinking about. We fill our minds up with clutter, things are that old news, bad memories and bad experiences. So many of us don’t choose every day but rather we allow every day.
Each day brings us the opportunity to start fresh, a new wave each morning where we can choose what we will sweep into our minds for the day and what we will wash away.
Think about this in any  manner you can but let it sink in… we have the power to start every day with a clean beach, new sand… putting items we really want on the beach and leaving them there for all to see, admire and collect if they choose. Yes others can collect as we do from others: quotes or saying, moods and attitudes. Philosophers have left us many things that we choose to remember and quote again and again. Friends have left us with attitudes both good and bad and we have chosen to collect them. People from our past have left us with sayings, emotions,  feelings, memories that we have chosen to bring along and collect.
And yet most of us have done this almost unwittingly. The beach is much the same… go to one part of the beach and it’s clean sand all the way in but go to another part of the beach and you will find clean sand at the shoreline and big rock formations further up and then in the storm surge there are huge rocks and debris scattered way up at the top, caught up in the roots and vines that are part of the beach but no one likes to go there. It’s been there and probably will be forever… a huge pile of debris, most of it worthless, piled high and nothing of value all piled high for all to see but almost no one goes there because they can tell it offers nothing of value.
Think about your friends. You have some friends who offer you that.. we call them friends but what they really are is acquaintances that we invite along sometimes just because we feel guilty about not inviting them but they bring nothing of value, nothing worthwhile and most of us don’t really even like them. They live in that clutter at the top of the beach, negative, space filling, stuff and all they do is talk in negatives and bring people down. They never get over things, never get past things and almost always want to talk about who offended them, hurt them and constantly talk about things in their past that they never let go.
And we all know a couple of those people.
But most of us live on the beach where we find some good things and some debris. We live on the edge of the high tide that sometimes brings us good things to see, talk about and share and sometimes it just brings us debris, clutter and the stuff that we can’t brag about, can’t show off, don’t appreciate. Sometimes it leaves us high and dry and that my friends is where most of America lives. We make a conscious choice not to live at the top of that beach where all the really negative stuff is and we settle for the edge of the high tide.
Because… ask anyone who knows the beach and they will tell you, to live on the edge of the surf, where people love to walk and play, where people sometimes get in over their heads and sometimes rush to the safety of the high tide mark… this is a place of balance, where you must learn when to fight the tide and when to accept it for what it is. The surf line requires you to be aware, knowledgeable and alert. It is a place where you can relax at the right time but must be on your guard all of the time. And most of us are afraid of living on that edge.
Yes, ask the winners of the world and they will tell you that their greatest rewards came from living on that edge… the edge where they were not always in control and often had to fight for their survival and yet it is the most exciting place in the world to live.
It is the place where people want to be. It is the place where people gather, where things are happening, where laughter fills the air. It is the place where we find joy and happiness.
You now know the differences…  the surge line where all the really heavy overloaded unwanted things go, the high tide line where all of the old people drag their beach chairs and where so many families keep their kids, where talking and reading and naps happen. And the surf line where all of the excitement, laughter, joy and happiness are expressed and felt. Where we feel alive and know that we are living!
I invite you to learn how to spend your life in the surf line where we splash and play and laugh and dance in and out of the water. I invite you to come with me and remember what life is all about. I invite you to share a life of energy, fun and great moods.
And all you have to do… is re-learn how. And I can teach you.

Friday, July 12, 2013

How important is past experience?

I am asked all the time how I wrote a book about finding a successful relationship when I am not involved in one.
I wrote, "The Twenty, things you need to learn in order to find the love of your life" as well as my management and motivational books. The Twenty is all about LEARNING, please note that in the subtitle. The things you need to learn.

But what I excel at is ideas. Crystallizing your thinking. Taking you from this thought process or this idea and offering you other ideas, other motivations, other concepts or sometimes just helping you clarify the idea you have to make it 'laser focused' I believe is the hot term for it today.

But you see, I have all of this information because I have had ALL of this experience. I have managed businesses from small and medium retail operations to being in management in major corporations.
I have owned companies that were me alone and me with 40 employees. I have worked with leaders who had great ideas but didn't have a clue how to implement them and other wealthy people who had no ideas but great desire to find something.
I win and help you win because I am completely open to everything that happens around me and yes, I have been right and I have been wrong.

I have worked in so many positions and industries it would make your head spin but that is also how I see things with such a different attitude than most other business leaders.

From the time I was a teen getting my first jobs I was stretched. I dipped ice cream for Baskin-Robbins, sold cosmetics at major department store counters, merchandised women's shoes for major retailers. I have turned companies around with simple ideas and improvements and watched my own fail because I couldn't raise enough capital to get to that place where I knew success was waiting.

I have dealt Craps as a River Boat gambler and slung hash at small town diners. Poured drinks at local pubs and sat with corporate CEO's and been invited to share my ideas about business. I have been a purchasing agent at Las Vegas Trade Shows for sporting goods and fashion clothing and International Food Shows for all of the amazing foods and beverages you can imagine.

The reason Mental Prosperity works, the reason my book The Twenty works, is because I am not afraid to ask questions. I interviewed over 2400 people for my book The Twenty to gain insights and information. It is how I deduced that the average attractive female on the dating site Match dot com receives forty times as many original emails as the average male. It is how I understand that because of this fact alone, many women are inundated with offers and cannot respond to all of the men writing and why the men are angry that the women don't respond. A major misinterpretation for communication on dating sights.

The reason Mental Prosperity is the key to your success is because we have filled our minds with information and neglected to use it when we need it. It is cataloged and moved around and through loss of focus we neglect the most important part of what makes us successful. The good things that happen to us.

It's all inside of us. I recently was sharing with someone who said she could not have a successful relationship because of her upbringing and abusive and hurtful treatment by her parents.
I merely asked, when did you move out? She said she was twenty when that happened and I asked how old she was now, sixty-one.
I pointed this out to her, you had twenty years of bad upbringing by your parents and forty one years of bad upbringing by constantly reliving that twenty years by you! Isn't it time you took control of your life and stopped being a victim? Do you want to find love? Do you want to find a partner? and she said yes! Now she is a client and moving forward in her life. No more excuses.

What makes Mental Prosperity work is the same thing that allowed me to write a book to help others discover a successful relationship and life. It is that what is in you is greater than what has happened to you but you have to take control of that force within you.

I believe in you. I believe you can be. And I want to help you to get there.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Mental Prosperity and what it means to you~

Mental Prosperity is that which controls your life. They saying goes, power corrupts and ultimate power corrupts ultimately. It is also said money changes people. Power changes people.

But none of that is true. All of those things merely magnify who people really are.

Mental Prosperity is the key to all life, the door to your success or to your failure.

When we talk about bullying we allow ourselves to be bullied or we become a bully depending upon what has been delivered to our minds and what we have accepted into our lives. We were not born a bully neither were we born to be bullied. It is learned behavior.

Zig Ziglar, in his live seminars, used to do a session where he put up all these words and asked if they were an attitude or a skill. And in each and every one he asked the audience to check each word or phrase, attitude or skill.

And it turned out that each and every one was learned throughout some part of our life. Each and every one was learned and if it can be learned then it is a skill. And we use those learned skills to develop our attitudes either intentionally or unintentionally.

Which means, whatever, whoever you are today can be either improved or destroyed by what we can learn.
Your Mental Prosperity is who you are today. What you can bring out of you today but it also is who you can become tomorrow. What can you learn to become that person you want to become.
When we talk about successful people we all admit that the skills they have today they had to have learned. They weren't
born with the knowledge to be a CEO or a Bricklayer. They were not born with the knowledge to be a plumber or a President. There were things they had to learn in order to become.

Sure, some people are blessed with more intelligence than others but we all know intelligent people who are not successful. And that is because not all intelligent people were taught the skills to become successful and there are quite a few not so intelligent people who were taught to be successful. I bet you know a couple of those also.

Mental Prosperity and your understanding it is your key to your success. I urge you to subscribe to my Mental Prosperity blog and learn all you can about how you can become the person you want to be.

Steve Sapato - Mental Prosperity is my keynote and my passion. It can change your world and the world of others from managers to CEO's; from bullies to people being bullied; from I'm not good enough to I am amazing!

Monday, July 1, 2013

More Business Without Doing Anything More?

Here are my questions for you:

1)      Have you ever not bought something because you didn’t like or didn’t trust the person who was selling to you?
2)      Have you ever bought from someone because you liked them or you really believed or trusted them even though you didn’t know them personally?

And if you answered yes to either of those questions then I have another question, what was the difference between the two salespeople? Often times we don’t really know. It’s just a feeling we get. But do you understand that the ‘feeling’ we get can be changed?
Of course you do. That is why we send so many people to sales training courses, schools, or seminars.

Now the next QUESTION:
                What would it be worth to you to close ten more sales or add ten more clients or close ten more deals this month? Or even this year?
Think about that answer carefully because it can change your life.
If I sell cars and I could close two additional deals each month how much is that worth? If I sell $10,000 websites how much would it be worth to close ten more clients this year and have them part of my business from now on? How about if I close real estate deals worth millions of dollars? How much would ten more sales this year mean to me? How about if I am a dog trainer? And I can close ten more training deals this month? How about multilevel marketing? How much would it be worth to you to add ten legs to your downline this year?
I could offer example after example but the facts are -  people buy from people they trust.
You are not closing deals because of how people perceive you in your presentation of your product or service.
When I asked those opening questions it was simple… sometimes you don’t trust people because they stutter or stammer when presenting their deal. Sometimes it’s because they are too smooth and you don’t trust that salesperson personae. Sometimes they are using a gesture, phrase or tone of voice that they have no idea they are using!  Do you know how you are perceived in all of this or do you THINK you know? The difference between knowing and thinking you know can make you rich!
How often have you worked with a professional who can teach you these things? How often have you worked with a professional who knows how to relate to an audience, to people, to major players and can help you move to that next level to close more deals and make more money?
You do want to make more money don’t you?
Steve Sapato is a professional speaker and trainer. He comes with over thirty years of experience in management, training and marketing. He sees the weaknesses in your presentation and he can help you move to that next level.
A nine week training course can change your business and income.  Twelve hours of intensive training time with Steve will get you past the level you are at and into the level you want to be.
Why wait when you can start right now to change your life and step up to the income you have been dreaming of by closing more sales because people will relate to you, trust you and buy from you.

Steve Sapato