Thursday, July 11, 2013

Mental Prosperity and what it means to you~

Mental Prosperity is that which controls your life. They saying goes, power corrupts and ultimate power corrupts ultimately. It is also said money changes people. Power changes people.

But none of that is true. All of those things merely magnify who people really are.

Mental Prosperity is the key to all life, the door to your success or to your failure.

When we talk about bullying we allow ourselves to be bullied or we become a bully depending upon what has been delivered to our minds and what we have accepted into our lives. We were not born a bully neither were we born to be bullied. It is learned behavior.

Zig Ziglar, in his live seminars, used to do a session where he put up all these words and asked if they were an attitude or a skill. And in each and every one he asked the audience to check each word or phrase, attitude or skill.

And it turned out that each and every one was learned throughout some part of our life. Each and every one was learned and if it can be learned then it is a skill. And we use those learned skills to develop our attitudes either intentionally or unintentionally.

Which means, whatever, whoever you are today can be either improved or destroyed by what we can learn.
Your Mental Prosperity is who you are today. What you can bring out of you today but it also is who you can become tomorrow. What can you learn to become that person you want to become.
When we talk about successful people we all admit that the skills they have today they had to have learned. They weren't
born with the knowledge to be a CEO or a Bricklayer. They were not born with the knowledge to be a plumber or a President. There were things they had to learn in order to become.

Sure, some people are blessed with more intelligence than others but we all know intelligent people who are not successful. And that is because not all intelligent people were taught the skills to become successful and there are quite a few not so intelligent people who were taught to be successful. I bet you know a couple of those also.

Mental Prosperity and your understanding it is your key to your success. I urge you to subscribe to my Mental Prosperity blog and learn all you can about how you can become the person you want to be.

Steve Sapato - Mental Prosperity is my keynote and my passion. It can change your world and the world of others from managers to CEO's; from bullies to people being bullied; from I'm not good enough to I am amazing!

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