Great Managers need to understand their roles.
Being a good manager isn’t just about managing your people. It is about managing your assignments, clarifying your duties and understanding the nature of your job.
Becoming a great manager means you not only can do the job but it means you are good enough to take charge of that job.
As a manager, you need to define your role and all of the limitations as well as expectations for each assignment. You have to know what is expected of you and you have to know what to expect. What you are allowed to do and what you are not allowed to do. Each of these areas carries a huge responsibility and great knowledge required to attend to those duties.
A great manager will have to know the resources available to them both the physical resources and the people resources. What each area offers and what the people bring to their positions.
A great manager needs to know the principals involved, understand their personalities, the power structure and their relative position within this as to who they can and cannot connect with and ask for assistance or admit their shortcomings. A great manager will understand that these connections are not just who is above them or below them in the hierarchy but also who are the resources that are across from them that they can ask assistance from or offer assistance to.
A great manager will learn who they can trust to accomplish a job or assignment, who talks a good game versus who plays that game. They will understand personalities of who needs to talk to accomplish their game and who will achieve their success quietly and how to involve people to help them accomplish their goals or achieve their purpose for working in the group. They will also learn who they can confide in and who will spread a weakness or confidence to undermine their position within the organization.
A great manager will consistently and continually develop their people skills, listening skills, and observation skills and they will learn how to use their communication to achieve their goals.
A great manager begins as a good manager and develops through interaction with their peers to become great managers.
Always remember that Great Managers Are Made Not Born.
I am Steve Sapato and I am Leadership and Professional Growth Expert. And I developed the ‘Learn To Win’ life system for success.