Why do you network? Do you ask yourself that before you head out the door every time? You should. Because we need to remind ourselves why we are going. Now, answer the question. Why do you network? To make more money. To meet more people so they will know my company. To get more business. To help other companies by letting them know what I do that can help them.
What is your answer?
The answer that most people should be saying is... to get an appointment. That is all. In everything you do when you walk into the networking event your goal should be to get an appointment. It's not to sell, not to give them your business card or even collect theirs. It's not to tell them all about your company or yourself. It's not to make friends. It's not to do anything except find out how your company might help them and be interesting enough, sincere enough and likable enough to them so that they allow you to make a phone call to set an appointment.
Now that you understand this every time you walk into a networking event you should remind yourself that your whole goal for this event is to 'get an appointment'.
The next question is, how many people then, based upon this premise, do you want to meet at any event you attend? Go ahead. Answer it now and tell yourself why? Because here come the answer.
Two or three.
What? yes, that is all! When you meet your three STOP networking. Now it's ok to drink or eat and be entertaining and fun or... just go home. Why? Steve, what if I can make five or six appointments?
Here is my question for you. How much time do you have to commit to calling, setting and then attending each appointment? Because, if you are even half way successful you should only have time for two or three based upon a five minute phone call to set an appointment, driving to and from and connecting with the appointment plus, you should do some background investigation so you will be knowledgeable about your contact when you meet them.
So how long will that take? At least a couple hours for each. That would be one entire day of work out of your week.
So now, what you really need is to learn the five questions you need to ask in order to insure that you will get that appointment when you call.
Want to learn those FIVE QUESTIONS? Want to know how to have a business card that really works?Want someone to teach you a one minute speech will make you memorable, top of mind and get you referrals? Then you need to attend one of my day long seminars in order to learn all of that and more.
www.mentalprosperityblog.com or write to me, steve@stevesapato.com